Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Want It and I Want It NOW!!

Free on Kindle right now is Charles Stanley's Handle with Prayer. It is a very timely read for me. Stanley makes a great point that we often only think God has answered our prayer when He answers the way we want it answered. If things turn out differently than we wanted, we often think He didn't answer and find it hard to praise Him. How often do I get the answer I want and say, "thank you God for answering my prayer!" Even when it doesn't turn out the way I want, shouldn't I say the same thing??? In reality He has still answered, but in His sovereignty He has given a different (and better!) answer. It may be hard, but shouldn't we still say thank you when we don't get the job we really wanted, or even when that person we love dies, or even when our bank account is still empty. We need to hear His answer to our prayer, even when it isn't what we had hoped for. As Stanley puts it, "When God answers our prayers, He either answers with yes, no, or wait." He always gives us an answer to our prayer, it just isn't always yes. And many of us can relfect back on our lives and think--wow I am so glad God didn't answer that prayer with a yes! If I had only known at the time what I know now. So glad God knew!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 Take note of this promise. God promises to do this for those who are His and those who love Him--He does not promise to do this for everyone. That is very sobering and what thanks we need to give Him if we are His child.

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