Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The New World Order & The Tower of Babel

After the flood, God commanded Noah and his family to start having lots o' babies and fill the earth (Genesis 9:1). So, being the sinful, rebellious humans we are--what did everyone decide to do? The exact opposite of what God commanded. As we read in Genesis 11 their pride got the best of them. They decided they wanted to make a name for themselves so they planned to gather together (and not spread out and fill the earth), build a city and a really tall tower that reached to the heavens. It says they did this so they would not be scattered over the earth.

They wanted one government, one centralized power, unity, etc. Sound familiar? That is exactly what our current world leaders are trying to push us towards: a one world government in the New World Order. Are these goals of our world leaders what God wants? Obviously not.

God told them to spread out and fill the earth. They disobeyed so God confused their language forcing them to spread out and fill the earth. In doing this, God knew that diversity allows the gospel to be preached and that one world rule will strive to dominate not only laws and lifestyle, but religion as well.

Now history is repeating itself today.
World leaders have one desire: power.
And what's at the root of that desire for power? Pride.

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